The Difference Between Art And Design

The debate as to whether art and design are one and the same thing has been debated globally for quite some time. Professionals and experts in this field have hitherto argued of the thin line that separates the two. Well, the distinction between the two has been made difficult by the fact that all of them result in creating visual products. Also, the methodologies, knowledge base, and principles could be the same. The differences between these two concepts stem from a number of variables as listed below. The purpose served by each of them, the level at which people interact with end products of both processes, the level of craftsmanship brought into play, and how day to day problems are solved by these fields of study.

How To Differentiate Art From Design Products

Perhaps the most striking difference between art and design are the end products. Artists create products that are meant for the end user, as such a painting or an illustration by an artist represents his ultimate vision. Designers, on the other hand, create attractive images that may be part of a production pipeline aimed at producing a final product such as a furniture. The level of craftsmanship among artists keep on increasing as he sharpens his skills over time. Art demands of high-level craftsmanship so that products stand out from the rest. Designers’ valuable skills, on the other hand, are communication in terms of his products to solve people’s recurrent desires. Also, designs demands collectivised approval while art needs only the artist’s intrinsic approval. To this extent, some twelve delicious gluten free cookies to try of either art or design products must strictly specify to which category their creations fall.

Conclusion On Differences Between Art & Design

The question on the superiority of art and design have dominated various academic and social halls for centuries. However, the common ground as regards the two is the methodology, skills and the knowledge base employed. To some extent, there are points of intersection among these variables, however, differences are brought by the purposes the end products serve. In the actual practice, designers behave like an actor who follows an already written script while an artist writes and supplies his internal interpretation of his writings or paintings. As such art works open a window for debate while design products are ultimately conclusive in their inherent nature. Owing to these similarities and differences, sites like have come up to help artists and designers to share their creations and connect to the rest of the world through their artistic prowess.